Hello World 1

Hello World 2

Hello World 3

Hello World 4

Hello World 5

Hello World 6

This is a paragraph within a div

#meta tags

!Check the head tags!


#horizontal line/rule

link //opens in new window
link/opens in the same window// this is the default
this is a test image
#images + hyperlinks



# text, paragraph and text styling

This is a paragraph

this part is bold

this part is big

this part is small

this part is subscripted

this part is inserted/underlined

this part is deleted/striked through

this part is superscripted

this part is bold

this part is marked(colour marked)

this part is italicized

#lists (can be nested)
#unordered list / can be nested

#ordered list / can be nested
  1. pizaa
  2. burger
  3. sandwich
  4. fries

#description lists / can be nested
This is a description term 1
-This is a description definition 1
This is a description term 2
-This is a description definition 2

sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
closed 9-5 9-5 9-5 9-5 9-5 closed

#inline html styling

inline html styling

inline html styling

inline html styling

#spans //adds markup to text

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsumdsf Lorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsum Lorf em ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ip sumLorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsum L orem ipsumv Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum vb Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum vk

#divs // this is basically a container

Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsumdsf Lorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsum Lorf em ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ip sumLorem ipsumLorem ipsumLorem ipsum L orem ipsumv Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum vb Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum vk

#iframes //embeding content from other sites// can be easily abused


#scripting using javascript

